Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pete Sanchez is Winning..!

So far Pete Sanchez is Winning By A Landslide..!

Tonight's Suisun And Other Election Results

The candidate vote counts will be updated starting from maybe 8:15PM or even past 9PM tonight. First the absentee ballots are counted.  They tend to be more conservative – so a tight race may swing to the more liberal candidate as the walk in votes are counted. http://www.co.solano.ca.us/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=9668.

Suisun Polling Places

Find your Solano election polling booth locations at http://www.co.solano.ca.us/depts/rov/. Cast ballots by Tue, Nov 2, 2010 8PM. It's a Solano government link showing Solano polling booths.

Suisun Election Results

Suisun Post Election Results:

All your candidate election results will be updated starting maybe 30 to 60 or more minutes after polls close Tue, Nov 2nd 8PM http://www.co.solano.ca.us/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=9668.

In past Solano elections they stopped posting new info between 11PM and the following morning.  It's sporadic.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Suisun Mayor Candidate: Business Votes To Pete Sanchez. More Job Openings.

Pete Sanchez Candidate Predicted To Win Election. Sanchez Pro-Business Attitude Should Create Suisun Job Openings.

Pete Sanchez is qualified based on Sanchez’s good Suisun business background, and Mayoral experience.

Solano Business News Blog, and Steven Kays who lived in Suisun and now lives in Fairfield, studied Suisun Mayor election candidates over the past decade. It’s believed Pete Sanchez will create more Suisun job openings by stimulating Suisun’s economy.

Solano Business News covers other business friendly Solano and Suisun candidates fighting for more job openings.

Pete Sanchez Experience:

Solano County Mayors' Committee - President
Suisun City Redevelopment Agency - Chair
Suisun-Solano Water Authority - President
Solano Transportation Authority - Chair
Solano County Water Agency - Director
Solano Water Authority – President
Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District - Director
Suisun Polling Booth Locations: http://www.co.solano.ca.us/depts/rov/.

Best Election Links On Candidate Pete Sanchez

Suisun City Hall:
Newspaper article:
Save Our Suisun:
Suisun Voters SuisunVoters.com Covers Suisun elections.

Which business friendly Suisun Mayor candidate will you vote for in this Tuesday election?

PG&E is not controlled by Suisun Mayor

Power went off in Suisun early Monday, November 1st.

Over 4,000 Suisun city residents. Just a few irate voters angry about power can make all the difference in the Suisun election results tomorrow.

PG&E is controlled by California state and federal guidelines.

Power has often gone off at other times just before recent elections in Fairfield - with the cause never having been clarified.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Supporters Behind Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez & Council woman Jane Day

Based on their business background and experience we believe Suisun City Council woman Jane Day and Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez are the best Suisun election candidates. Lets help Jane Day, and Pete Sanchez continue their good work, and create more Suisun job openings!

Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez – Friendly Disclaimer From Pete’s Supporters

This blog by Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez Supporters cannot be liable for errors. This Suisun government blog is not supported or controlled by Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez or Suisun City government employees. This Suisun government blog is hosted by SolanoBusinessNews.com  - a Solano newspaper blog run by Solano Business Incubator. Copyrighted. Remember to bookmark this blog about Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez!